Felix And is a photographer from the area of Nuremberg. He developed a passion for cameras at an early age and began his photographic journey with a digital point & shoot camera given to him by his grandparents. Since then he took every camera he could get his hands on and easily became enthusiastic about it. In the meantime, he has found a lot of joy in analogue photography and has specialised in it. He prefers to photograph people and capture beautiful moments and situations on film. He sees himself as a "situation photographer", even if this is not a good term but it ist he best way to describe his work. He also approaches planned photo shoots with just as much passion. Whether it is for the DJ in the club, for the model in selected and coordinated surroundings, for a band or in the context of an event. He feels comfortable when his finger is on the shutter.
He is also happy to take photos for your company or for you as a person. If you are interested, please send an email with your vision to photoshoot@felixand.de.
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